
AILA Newsletter

The AILA Newsletter is a biannual publication that contains information of professional interest to AILA’s members. Features include committee and member updates and events; interviews with indigenous authors; scholarly articles; and conference program details. The Newsletter is available electronically and in print; print copies are distributed only to members of AILA.

Please email George Gottschalk, AILA’s newsletter editor, with inquiries about the newsletter.

Newsletter Editorial Team:


Once a feature of the AILA Newsletter, we now publish reviews and critical analyses of indigenous peoples and their representation in children’s and young adult literature; works of fiction and non-fiction; scholarly literature; and other works of popular culture, including (but not limited to) documentaries and films on the AILA website at: Reviews.

Reviews are written by members and affiliates of AILA. If you are interested in writing a review or submitting a work to be reviewed by AILA, please contact George Gottschalk.


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