Profile: Lara Aase
Lara Aase is the librarian at Delaney Special Collections Library at the Center of Southwest Studies, Fort Lewis College, in Durango, CO. She is from New Mexico and has an MA from UNM in Comparative Literature and an MLIS from the University of Washington.
AILA Activities
- American Indian Youth Literature Award Chair, 2019-2020
- AIYLA Committee, 2017-2019
- Subject Access and Classification Ad Hoc Committee, 2017-2019
- Member at Large, 2017-2018
- Recipient, Talk Story Grant, 2017
Publications and Conference Presentations
- Aase, L. (forthcoming 2019). Censorship or stewardship? Strategies for managing biased materials and Indigenous Traditional Cultural Expressions in libraries and archives. Chapter in M. Kandiuk, Special Collections as Sites of Contestation. Sacramento CA: Library Juice Press.
- Aase, L. (2018). “Orange is the new White.” Plenary presentation at the SALALM 63 Conference, Mexico City, MX, July 2.
- L Aase. (2018, April 9). Intersections: AILA Youth Literature Award & Sherman Alexie [web log article]. Retrieved from
- Aase, L. (2017). There is no view from nowhere: User experience research at the Center of Southwest Studies Library. Collection Management: Sharing Knowledge and Smashing Stereotypes: Representing Native American, First Nation and Indigenous Realities in Collections.
- Aase, L. (2017, May). Encompassing knowledge: Local LC reclassification for materials about Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Paper presentation at the LXII Annual Conference of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials.
- L Aase. (2017, January 31). CSWS Blog: Navajo Nation Library digital preservation of oral histories [web log article]. Retrieved from
- L Aase. (2016, fall). CSWS Blog: What library users want [web log article]. Retrieved from